

In the words of Rachel Green: "I feel blue"

Paris and Nicole nicely summing up my thoughts and feelings towards today.

So today is commonly referred to as "Blue Monday" a.k.a the most depressing day of the year. Supposedly, most of us have now broken our New Years Resolutions and we're all rather poor after the festive season of giving. Hands up if this sounds like you? Yup, me too. I am yet to join the gym (it's just never the right time), my healthy eating isn't quite going according to plan (and by that I mean I am currently munching on some BBQ flavoured hula-hoops) and I have been huddled up in my duvet covers all afternoon in an attempt to prevent the onset of hypothermia. Oh, the joys of winter eh?
When I say i'm having an unproductive day, I mean i'm literally having the kind of day where when I need to pee, I wait until I am borderline about to wet myself because I just can't face those 20 steps to the bathroom. This morning I wrote out a whole list of things I wanted to get done by tonight,and surprise surprise the only one I can cross off is "dinner". 
So guess what? No, i'm not about to post a bunch of inspirational quotes in a desperate attempt to find some motivation; i'm going to go get some chocolate, light my yankee candle, wrap myself up in blankets, and watch Sex and The City until I fall asleep. 
To all my fellow Blue-Monday sufferers out there, I suggest you do the same (feel free to replace the chocolate and SATC with your own choice of snack and sitcom) and don't you feel one bit guilty about it. 
We have 346 days left of the year to try again- why keep kidding ourselves for the rest of this day?